The Vibe: The Famous Neon's Unplugged is a great laid back drinkery where you are bound to run into someone you know. Music selections vary; not a live music joint but a great mix nonetheless. This is a long, skinny bar with a huge cement patio area, which is the place to be in the warmer months. It has cafe lights, an outside bar, and ample standing/seating. The stonework, arches, glass portico and wrought iron gate give it a secret beer garden feel. You can definitely catch up with a friend here. Though there are a lot of people, you can still hear each other talk. In fact, you will hear people over music. Overall a great gathering place that can go wherever you want it...aside from "wild."
Style Profile: Trendy-casual most days but, you can "shoush" it up if you want. Just make sure it's an easy-breezy look. Your hair doesn't have to be curled just right and your make up can most assuredly be minimal. Keep it natural here, but also keep it urban cool with the clothes. Hip patterns, cute leggings and some great ankle boots (more combat than wedge) will suit you well here. You won't see a whole lot of skirts or dresses...until spring. But again, think 90s cool. This summer's crop tops, high waist look will be a hit here.
Must Know: On a given weekday you will notice that most people know each other there. But, it doesn't feel like you are "the odd one out." Weekends will get a little cramped. In the winter they make fabulous cider that you can spike with your choice of bourbon or rum. I went bourbon for a spicy kick.
Must Try: Local. I suggest you try any of the Jackie-O's beers they have on tap or a can of Mystic Mama. Of course, that's a little biased--Jackie-O's is in Athens, OH which is home to Ohio University aka the real O-H-I-O university.