So, I figured I would start to share "what I wore" out to the places we have been frequenting/profiling. That way you can get an even better sense of what kind of style works best at each location. However, keep in mind that you can honestly rock any look with the right attitude and a little self confidence!
I went preppy for Tin Roof recently...and I based that off of my summer visits. On cold ass days, girls are bundled up for the most part. Yes their hair may be done, but it is not at the same level as it is in the summer. So fair warning: the weather truly changes what level of dressed up you will find here!
My color palette was BAH-RIGHT. Yes, so bright that I felt a little like I stood out--in a "girl why in the hell are you in coral" way. But, I love the top. It worked despite the cold. However, I would suggest going bright in the summer and keeping it neutral in the winter.
Okay here are my past outfits at Tin Roof:
Late Winter/Early Spring: