Feature Image Credit via An Attitude Adjustment
Last night I rolled over to hit the continue button on my Hulu account.
I don't know if it was the strain of rolling over, or the fact that my Victoria's Secret bra is about two years old, but I felt that familiar sharp poke. The underwire popped out and proceeded to viciously attack my cleavage.
I have a carefully coordinated list of actions I complete each time this unfortunate event occurs. First, I desperately try shoving the underwire back in the hole, hoping this will somehow solve the problem. Then I have to deal with stabbing underwire in the middle of my Statistics exam the next day. Little known fact: It is inappropriate to shove underwire back into your bra in a classroom setting.
The next thing I try to do is sew the underwire in question back into its rightful place. A couple weeks later it manages to be poking me again while I try and reach for a stick of gum out of my purse. Again I am left with a problem.
Until I found out about moleskin.
No not this guy. Image via Wikipedia
This guy. Image via Dr. Scholl's.
Moleskin are Self-stick super adhesive holds pads that securely hold things in place. You can buy a sheet of them at Wal-Mart (purchase here) or a pack at Walgreens (purchase here) for as little as $5. They're soft and stick on easy over the offending area. They are durable but may manage to fall off, although this hasn't happened to me yet. Luckily, I have a pack of about 30 of these things ready to go in the event that it does break free again.
Do yourself and your cleavage a favor and pick some of these up. It will save you money trying to buy a new bra, and you'll never have to deal with underwire poking agony again!